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Joachim Du Bellay: A closed or open understanding of history?

Pintarič, Miha
Zbirka Joachima Du Bellayja Rimske ruševine je pisana v visokem slogu, kar je za tega pesnika prej izjema kot pravilo. Na več mestih v drugih zbirkah sicer poudari, da je predvsem pesnik nizkega sloga in da visokega raje prepušča Ronsardu. Rimske ruševine predstavljajo Rim z več vidikov, po navadi v primerjavi z nečim drugim (na primer sedem čudes antičnega sveta pesnik primerja s sedmimi rimskimi griči). Vse te podrobnosti skupaj sestavljajo pravo »kratko zgodovino Rima«. Du Bellayja ne zanima zgodovina sama zase, temveč njen smisel. Njegova osnova bo krščanska, obilno bosta nanj vplivala tudi neoplatonizem in stoicizem, na koncu pa nam bo preostal uvid v eklektično mešanico zgodovine in njenega smisla, ki jo bo treba definirati. The Ruins of Rome is a collection of poetry by Joachim Du Bellay, written in the style called sublime, which is an exception rather than a rule for this poet. Elsewhere in his work he claims to be a poet of the low style who would gladly leave the other style to Ronsard. The Ruins of Rome picture this city from a variety of aspects, usually in comparison with something else (e. g. the seven wonders of the ancient world are compared to the seven hills of Rome). All these details put together compose an authentic brief history of the city. Du Bellay is not, however, interested in history in itself, but in its meaning. This will be Christian with a fair share of Neo-platonic and Stoical influence, but it remains to be seen what its eclectic ‘mixture’ will be.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
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Joachim Du Bellay, Rimske ruševine, Translatio studii/imperii, Sermo humilis/pedestris, Sermo sublimis, Zgodovina, Joachim Du Bellay, Ruins of Rome, Translatio studii/imperii, History
Pintarič M. (2021). Joachim Du Bellay: a closed or open understanding of history?. Slavia Centralis, 14(2), 232–247. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1349
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