Conversion in grammar and dictionary
Legan Ravnikar, Andreja
Legan Ravnikar, Andreja
V prispevku analiziram konverzijo kot enega od načinov nastajanja novega leksema brez spremembe morfemskega sestava, pri katerem se pomen spremeni sorazmerno s spremenjeno skladenjsko vlogo in slovničnimi lastnostmi izhodiščnega leksema. V 16. stoletju je bila konverzija pomemben postopek za širitev knjižne leksike, zato je bilo za njeno uslovarjenje nujno oblikovati merila za prepoznavanje in dokazovanje konverznosti. Analiza konverznega leksema zajema prepoznavanje novih slovničnih (oblikoslovnih) kategorij, skladenjskih vlog in pomenskih sprememb v odnosu do izhodiščnega leksema ter odkrivanje novih medleksemskih razmerij.
In this paper, we analyze conversion as one of the ways of creating a new lexeme without changing its morphemic structure, in which the meaning changes in proportion to the changed syntactic role and grammatical properties of the base lexeme. In the 16th century, conversion was an important method for the expansion of the literary language vocabulary, so it was necessary to formulate criteria for recognizing and proving conversion in order to show converted lexemes in independent dictionary entries. The analysis of the converted lexeme includes the identification of new grammatical (morphological) categories, syntactic roles and semantic changes in relation to the base lexeme, and the discovery of new interlexemic relations.
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Konverzija, Razlagalni slovarji, Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja (SSKJ 16), Leksikalizacija, Conversion, Explanatory dictionaries, Dictionary of the 16th- Century Slovenian Literary Language (SSKJ16), Lexicalization
Legan Ravnikar A. (2021). Conversion in grammar and dictionary. Slavia Centralis, 14(2), 177–194. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1345