Thomas, Wendy2013-04-202013-04-202013-04-04Thomas, Wendy. (2013). DDI: Metadata to support collection processes, discovery, and comparability. Workshop delivered at the North American Data Documentation Initiative Conference (NADDI 2013), University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, April 4, 2013. at the North American Data Documentation Conference (NADDI) 2013DDI-Lifecycle (DDI-L) was designed to support processes and comparability all through the lifecycle of the data. The result is a standard based on planned reuse of metadata that describes the methodologies used, the processes of capturing, cleaning, and modifying data, and the various storage formats of the data itself. These structures enhance its value to the research process in terms of quality control and by supporting a "metadata driven research process". Discovery tools can leverage "reusable" metadata which supports comparability within and between data sets, capturing intended points of comparability within series and collections of data. This workshop will focus on the DDI content that support collection, discovery, and comparability: Questions, data collection instruments, variables, concepts, geography, grouping and comparison.en-USDDINADDIMetadataData documentationDDI-L, LifecycleResearchDiscoveryComparabilityDDI: Metadata to support collection processes, discovery, and comparabilityLearning ObjectopenAccess