Blažić, Milena Mileva2011-03-312011-03-312008-01-01Blažić, Milena Mileva. "Podoba ženske v Trubarjevih besedilih." Slavia Centralis. 1. (2008): 73-80.’s work was not fiction because his time was not a time of fiction-writing, but rather a time of non-fiction; nevertheless, his writings have literary qualities too. In his writings, especially the Catechisms, with the two explications from 1575, we often find the topics of children, women, family, and love. He also mentioned the notion of play and toys. These are proof of his new era conception of the child, woman, family and love. His literary heritage started in the 16th century and took its course simultaneously with the European period of Humanism, the Renaissance, and the European Reformation.Leposlovja Trubar ni pisal, saj zanj še ni bil čas, ampak stvarno literaturo, čeprav ima njegov slog leposlovne prvine. V njegovih besedilih, predvsem v Katekizmu z dvema izlagama iz leta 1575, najdemo pogoste omembe otrok, ženske, družine, ljubezni, omembo besede igra in igrača, kar potrjuje domnevo, da je v njegovih besedilih najti novoveško pojmovanje omenjenih prvin. Njegovo literarno izročilo, postavljeno v 16. stoletje, je potekalo sočasno z evropskimi tokovi humanizma, renesanse in evropske reformacije.otherAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)ženskapodobadevicavdovamatiljubezenlepotawomenimagevirginwidowmotherlovebeautyPodoba ženske v Trubarjevih besedilihArticle10.17161/SCN.1808.7254openAccess