Li, Charles N.Dwyer, Arienne M.2020-06-162020-06-162020-06-12978-1-936153-18-3 Bonan is a Mongolic language spoken on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Gansu province in Amdo (northern) Tibet. Of the Eastern and Western varieties of Bonan [Bao'an 保安, Bonang; ISO 639-3: peh; Glottocode: bona1250], Eastern Bonan is the officially-recognized variety. Unpublished Eastern Bonan data collected by Charles Li from 1982 to 1984 forms the basis of this dictionary; Arienne Dwyer digitized and analyzed these data, adding lemmatized headwords, etymological sources, parts of speech, Chinese glosses, and forms from other published sources. Charles N. Li is an Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the University of California - Santa Barbara Arienne M. Dwyer is a Professor of Linguistic Anthropology at the University of KansasThe work is under Creative Commons license CC BY NC ND. The authors grant the University of Kansas a limited, non-exclusive license to disseminate the book through the KU ScholarWorks repository and to migrate these items for preservation purposes. languagespehLanguages of ChinaEndangered languagesDocumentary linguisticsEtymological dictionaryA dictionary of Eastern BonanBook