Emerling, DanielleBrumage, JodyGard, Sarah D'AntonioWilliamson, Travis2022-04-262022-04-262022-04Emerling, Danielle. 2022. "The American Congress Digital Archives Portal Project White Paper"https://hdl.handle.net/1808/32711This white paper documents the work of the American Congress Digital Archives Portal project to aggregate congressional archives into a single, online platform and make them more broadly available. Congressional archives document the democratic process; the development of public policy; and multiple narratives related to the country’s social, cultural, and political development. Work of the project included developing standards and best practices; creating governance structures for the one-year project and future phases; developing a web portal that meets user needs and adding archival content; determining digitization priorities via a research survey; conducting usability testing; and communicating and publicizing the project. The project was made possible by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.CongressArchivesAmerican HistoryDemocracyDigital HumanitiesThe American Congress Digital Archives Portal Project White PaperNational Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access Humanities Collections and Reference ResourcesWorking PaperopenAccess