Smej, Jožef2014-02-032014-02-032014-02-03 prispevku sta v prepisu in v originalu objavljeni ter podrobno komentirani dve pismi Vilka Novaka, ki ju je naslovnik Jožef Smej naključno našel med svojimi dokumenti. Prvo je bilo napisano decembra 1971 v Ljubljani, drugo februarja 1993 v Rožni dolini. Komentarji razkrivajo številne podrobnosti in okoliščine tistega časa. The article presents two letters by Vilko Novak addressed to the author Jožef Smej in both original and copied form, which were found among the author’s documents by accident and commented on in great detail here. The first was written in December of 1971 in Ljubljana and the second in February of 1993 in Rožna dolina. The commentaries reveal a vast amount about the details and circumstances pertaining to that period.otherAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC) korespondencaPrekmurjeVilko NovakSmej, Jožefpersonal correspondencePismi Vilka Novaka s komentarjemVilko Novak: Two Letters with CommentaryArticle10.17161/SCN.1808.12922openAccess