Trammell, Katelyn2019-05-152019-05-152019-04 paper was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Museum Studies.The Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas stewards over 3,000 works by Native North American peoples. Spencer employees have documented these objects, along with another 7,500 art works in the Global Indigenous Collections. However, for objects made by Indigenous peoples, there is more to the story than what museum professionals can tell. The Indigenous Arts Archive, on online web application hosted by the Spencer hopes to remedy this issue. The goals of the Indigenous Arts Archive (IAA), are to include Indigenous voices in the Spencer’s database, MuseumPlus; to treat Indigenous knowledge as equal to academic knowledge; to build relationships with Indigenous communities and individuals; and to increase the use of the Spencer’s Native North American collections.Copyright 2019, Katelyn TrammellCollaborationIndigenous knowledgeSpencer Museum of ArtIndigenous perspectivesGlobal Indigenous ArtNative AmericanDigital repatriationReciprocal Research NetworkIndigenous Arts ArchiveMuseum StudiesDigital collaborationNative collectionsMuseum collectionsMukutuPlateau Peoples’ Web PortalCultural useWeb applicationThe Indigenous Arts Archive: Indigenizing the Spencer Museum of Art’s DatabaseProjectopenAccess