McCrea, JudithWard, Nicholas Adam2011-04-262011-04-262010-04-302010 For Grinding Fog, an exhibition of stop motion animated films, revolves around three primary concerns: relationships, psychological or subjective reality, and relativity. Rooted within concerns of faith, personal ethics, and a re-evaluation of individual and artistic purpose, the poem and animations identify what I, at first, perceived as a multitude of contradicting tones, tones of futility coexisting with tones of a childlike playfulness. These viewpoints became interchangeable, altering perspectives with such rapidity that a blurred subjectivity evolved from the once polar sentiments. When the conveyance of this experience is created as art, it becomes experiential in itself and is in turn experienced. This is our basic chemical process, regenerative and transformative. For me, this is the role of poetics and the process of art making.  4 pagesenThis item is protected by copyright and unless otherwise specified the copyright of this thesis/dissertation is held by the author.Fine artsPhilosophyPsychologyAbsurdAnimationArtRelationshipsRelativityStop motionMachine For Grinding FogThesisopenAccess