Adler, Marina A.Brayfield, April A.2009-05-192009-05-191992-04-01Mid-American Review of Sociology, Volume 16, Number 1 (SPRING, 1992), pp. 45-59 study assesses the impact ofsocio-economic status and family life on perceptions of women's opportunities among German and British women and men. Our theoretical framework links national characteristics to individual characteristics and perceptions. We hypothesize that the influence of work-family status on perceptions of women's opportunities varies by gender and country because of crossnational differences in ideology and policy. Separate multiple regression analyses for women and men in eacb country' indicate important variations in the effects of labor force participation. family income, age, and family status on perceptions ofwomen's opportunities for education and employment.enCopyright (c) Social Thought and Research. For rights questions please contact Editor, Department of Sociology, Social Thought and Research, Fraser Hall, 1415 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045.Perceptions of Women's Opportunities in the FederalRepublic of Gennany and the UnitedKingdomArticle10.17161/STR.1808.5079openAccess