Hacker, Randi2014-06-162014-06-162012-04-11https://hdl.handle.net/1808/14085This is one of hundreds of 60-second radio spots created by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) for Kansas Public Radio (KPR). The purpose of this outreach program is to introduce the people of Kansas to the culture and current issues of East Asia.Broadcast Transcript: In light of recent events namely the fact that Kim Jong Un and the US have opened a dialogue, it seems okay to mention an upcoming celebration in North Korea. April 15th marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung the Eternal (though dead) President and founder of Juche, the policy of self-reliance that has been the foundation of the DPRK's consciousness since 1948. So revered is he, that even the calendar was recalibrated: the year of his birth is known as Juche 1 and this year, Juche 100. Nationwide celebrations, are expected to be epic. Already a series of commemorative stamps has been issued showing Kim's revolutionary activities. But you have to lick them. So, North Korea is self-reliant: but not self-adhesive. #ceas #hacker #NorthKoreaen-USNorth Korea100th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Kim Ii SungJucheJuche 100Kim Jong UnJuche 100Recording, oralopenAccess