2010-01-262010-01-262000-03-01Indigenous Nations Journal, Volume 1, Number 1 (Spring, 2000), pp. 83-94https://hdl.handle.net/1808/5742"Culturicide, Resistance, and Survival of the Lakota ("Sioux Nation")" by James V. Fenelon (Janna Knittel); "Collected Wisdom: American Indian Education" by Linda Miller Cleary and Thomas D. Peacock (Jean C. Block); "Essie's Story: The Life and Legacy of a Shoshone Teacher" by Esther Burnett Horne and Sally McBeth (Eric Anderson); "Mangas Coloradas - Chief of the Chiricahua Apaches" by Edwin R. Sweeney (Dorthe Boose); "Indigenous Peoples of the World: An Introduction to Their Past, Present, and Future" by Brian Goehring (David Anthony Tymee Clark); "The Politics of Hallowed Ground: Wounded Knee and the Struggle for Indian Sovereignty" by Mario Gonzales and Elizabeth Cook-Lynn (Diane Yellow Bird); "With My Own Eyes: A Lakota Woman Tells Her People's History" Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun and Kosephine Waggoner edited by Emily Levine (Christine Wittenbach); "Indigenous Aesthetics: Native Art, Media, and Identity" by Steven Leuthold (Sara Summers); "Playing Indian" by Philip Deloria (Karyn Carterby); "The Tree That Bends: Discourse, Power, and the Survival of the Maskoki Poeple" by Patricia Riles Wickman (Dixie Ray Haggard)enCopyright (c) Indigenous Nations Journal. For rights questions please contact the Global Indigenous Nations Studies Program, 1410 Jayhawk Blvd, 6 Lippincott Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045Indigenous Nations Journal, Volume 1, Number 1 (Spring, 2000): Book ReviewsArticleopenAccess