Freeman, Bryant C.2013-12-132013-12-132000-01-01Freeman, Bryant C., ed. Ann bay lodyans 13 / se Bryant Freeman ("Tonton Liben") ki pare ti liv sa a. [Lawrence, Kan.] : Institute of Haitian Studies ; [Port-au-Prince] : Bon Nouvèl : Fondasyon Alfa Lwès, 2000. is one of a series of 16 volumes of folktales written in Haitian French Creole. Each vol. has 16 p. and contains between 5 and 10 folktales. Each volume has "Ayiti se pèp ayisyen" on the cover.otherThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. --Haiti.Folklore --Haiti.Ann bay lodyans 13 / Se Bryant Freeman ("Tonton Liben") ki pare ti liv sa aBookopenAccess