Berardo, Marcellino2018-03-092018-03-092013 key reason for launching ILI at AEC is to help us rethink our practice and improve professionally through the exchange of ideas, techniques, materials, assessments, reflections, and so on. This supplement offers ways to think about practicing and interpreting TESL within the framework of TESOL International Association 1 and MIDTESOL. TESOL’s framework consists of three parts: (a) Interest Sections, (b) Content Areas, and (c) types of sessions. TESOL also has conference themes that we can use to help us reimagine our practice. Similarly, MIDTESOL has conference themes and session types but unlike the international organization, MIDTESOL does not require interest section affiliation and does not categorize presentations according to content area.Rethinking our Practice and Choosing a Topic for TESOL International Association 2014 and MIDTESOL 2013Article10.17161/ili.v2i0.6951openAccess