Pulka, SimonaZemljak Jontes, Melita2023-02-202023-02-202020-11-08Pulko S., & Zemljak Jontes M. (2020). Needs, challenges and good practices in language teaching of immigrants. Slavia Centralis , 13 (2), 203–213. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/974https://hdl.handle.net/1808/33851Zaradi vse večje mobilnosti in migracij iz držav članic in nečlanic Evropske unije (EU) postajajo družbe in izobraževalni sistemi EU vse bolj večkulturni in večjezični. Izobraževalne ustanove se srečujejo z dvema izzivoma: otrokom priseljencem čim prej omogočiti, da kar najhitreje usvojijo jezik izobraževanja, in jim hkrati pomagati ohraniti materni jezik. To je bil povod za začetek mednarodnega projekta Erasmus + DEAL Razvoj pismenosti in učenje jezika za mlajše učence v jezikovno manj ugodnih okoliščinah (2018–2020) s sodelujočimi institucijami iz Hrvaške, Severne Makedonije in Slovenije. V prispevku bodo predstavljeni primeri dobre prakse, prenosljive v različne jezike. EU societies and educational systems are becoming increasingly multicultural and multilingual due to the increased mobility and migration from EU and non-EU countries. Educational institutions are facing two challenges: to provide newcomer students with the possibility to acquire the language of education as soon as possible, and to help them to maintain their native language. This was the trigger to start the international Erasmus + DEAL Project Development of Literacy and Language Learning for Disadvantaged Young Learners (2018–2020) with institutions from Croatia, Northern Macedonia and Slovenia. The paper will present examples of good practice transferable to different languages.Copyright (c) 2020 University Publishing House of the University of Maribor. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Metode poučevanjaDidaktični pristopiSlovenščina kot drugi in tuji jezikProjekt Erasmus DEALNeeds, challenges and good practices in language teaching of immigrantsArticleopenAccess