Watson-Thompson, JomellaTaylor, Erica L.2015-10-132015-10-132014-12-312014http://dissertations.umi.com/ku:13688https://hdl.handle.net/1808/18675The present study examined the Assessment of Preferred Leisure Alternatives for Youth (A-PLAY), a web-based preference assessment application that is designed to efficiently identify preferred types of physical activities for youth. The study evaluated the reliability of the A-PLAY across several preference assessment methodologies including paired stimulus, multiple stimulus without replacement, and rank order assessments. The test-retest reliability of the assessment methods completed by individual participants was also evaluated across multiple sessions. The study participants (N = 14) consisted of typically developing males and females, ranging from seven to fourteen years of age. Results of the assessments show that youth reliably selected preferred activities across sessions (M rτ = .611 [p <.001]), across time (M rτ = .580 [p <.01]), and across assessment methodologies (M rτ = .632 [p <.001]). The results suggest that the A-PLAY provides a reliable approach for conducting preference assessments with typically developing youth in community-based settings using computerized technology. The use of a web-based preference assessment instrument contributes to current research in Applied Behavior Analysis by examining the use of preference assessment methodologies with typically developing youth and in community-based settings.102 pagesenCopyright held by the author.Behavioral sciencesphysical activitypreference assessmentweb-basedyouthAn Evaluation of Web-Based Preference Assessment Methods Using the Assessment of Preferred Leisure Alternatives for Youth (A-PLAY): Identifying Physical Activity Preferences of YouthThesisopenAccess