Štumberger, Saška2015-08-102015-08-102015Saška Štumberger. Slovaropisna obravnava novejše leksike. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 10 (2015): 153–166.https://hdl.handle.net/1808/18316The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specialized dictionaries of new lexis. In general dictionaries new lexis has no special time qualifiers and is not labelled with any special time qualifiers for different kinds of new lexis. Specialized dictionaries of new lexis are limited in time to a short period. They are designed as a supplement to the existing dictionaries or a more thorough description of lexis of a certain period. In this case, in comparison to general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries contain additional information about the emergence of new words, appearance in different material sources and variants of use.otherSlovene languageGerman languagenew lexisdictionarySlovaropisna obravnava novejše leksikeArticle10.17161/SLS.1808.18316openAccess