Murao, EmmiMcFarland, JerushaMurao, Emmi2017-06-162017-06-162014-06-24 will need: A box without a lid in any shapes or sizes. A relatively large furoshiki cloth corresponding to the size of the box, this is about four times the length of the box compared to the length of the cloth. We recommend using a cotton furoshiki to better hold heavier objects without the knots slipping. And the stuff you need to carry! Directions on how to wrap: 1.Spread out the furoshiki parallel towards you to make it into a square shape from where you are standing. Make sure that the pattern side is outside when doing this. 2.Place the box of stuff parallel to the edge of the furoshiki cloth in the center. 3.Tie once with two of the edges near the edge of the box and above the box. And tie again to make a "mamusubi." And do so with the other end. 4.Take the excess piece of cloth that is dangling between the ties you just tied and tuck it under the tie. Do this for both of the sides. 5.Take two of the tails on the same side coming from two different ties and make a mamusubi, or tie twice. And do the same to the other side. And you're done!! How to tie a furoshiki tie:! This tutorial is great for carrying a box of stuff, and this is especially helpful when you do not want to carry the box of stuff with both of your hands like when it's raining or when riding a bike! The video is designed as a supplemental hands-on material for teaching about Japanese culture to elementary to junior high school students. This material was prepared by the East Asian Library at the University of Kansas. For more information about furoshiki, please visit:風呂敷JapanCultureMamusubiFuroshiki: How to Carry a Box of Stuff (K-12 Instruction Series)VideoopenAccess