Bryant, MichaelKarney, Dennis F.Vigier, Mary2015-05-012015-05-012010-11Bryant, Michael, Dennis F. Karney, and Mary Vigor. "What Can Happen When Business And Language Faculty Cooperate Across An Ocean." American Journal of Business Education 3.11 (2010): 119-30. Web. 1 May 2015. is the publisher's version. Copyright 2010 by the Clute Institute.Management schools are expected to educate future professionals with the necessary skills to operate successfully in a global business environment. In this paper, the authors analyze and reflect on an experiment in interdisciplinary cooperation undertaken by business faculty at a US university and language faculty at a French School of Management. The common focus of this project has been on experiential skills development of future managers through the integration of business content, culture and language. The findings point to the crucial role that faculty play in facilitating the internationalization of the learning experience for business students.What Can Happen When Business And Language Faculty Cooperate Across An OceanArticleopenAccess