Rehak, Paul2010-09-202010-09-201999"The Monkey Frieze from Xeste 3, Room 4: Reconstruction and Interpretation," in P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffienur, and W.-D. Niemeier eds., MELETEMATA. Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year (Aegaeum 20, Liege 1999) 705-709. study presents a new reconstruction of the monkey frieze from Xeste 3, Akrotiri, Thera, as a satire of human action.AegeanFrescoesMonkeysThe Monkey Frieze from Xeste 3, Room 4: Reconstruction and InterpretationArticleopenAccess