Shogren, Karrie A.Wehmeyer, Michael L.Palmer, Susan B.Soukup, Jane HelenLittle, Todd D.Garner, NancyLawrence, Margaret2013-04-092013-04-092007Shogren, K.A., Wehmeyer, M.L, et al. (2007) Examining individual and ecological predictors of the self-determination of students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 73(4), 488-509. is the publisher's version, also found here: article examines the impact of multiple individual and ecological factors on the self-determination of students with learning disabilities, mild and moderate mental retardation, and other health impairments. Baseline data from a multistate, longitudinal research project evaluating interventions to promote self determination were examined using structural equation modeling. The findings suggest that teachers viewed students' capacity for self-determination differently based on level of cognitive impairment, but not students' opportunities for self-determination. Capacity, opportunity, and transition empowerment predicted students' self-reported level of self-determination, but the degree to which students were included in general education did not. Significant differences emerged in the pattern of predictive relationships, however, depending on the measure of self-determination utilized. Also discussed are implications for research and practice.en-USExamining individual and ecological predictors of the self-determination of students with disabilitiesArticleopenAccess