Barnett, William A.Diewert, W. ErwinZellner, Arnold2014-02-282014-02-282009-09-01Barnett, William A., Diewert, W. Erwin, and Zellner, Arnold "Introduction to Measurement with Theory," with W. Erwin Diewert and Arnold Zellner, Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 13,Supplement 2, 2009, September,  pp. 151-168. is the author's final draft of an article for which the publisher's official version is available electronically from doi:10.1017/S1365100509090233This paper is the introduction to the Macroeconomic Dynamics Special Issue on Measurement with Theory. The Guest Editors of the special issue are William A. Barnett, W. Erwin Diewert, Shigeru Iwata, and Arnold Zellner. The papers included are part of a larger initiative to promote measurement with theory in economics.MeasurementIndex number theoryAggregationTheoryIntroduction to Measurement with TheoryArticle10.1017/S1365100509090233