Hedden, Debra G.2018-06-272018-06-272017-05-01Hedden, D. G. (2017). Lessons from Lithuania: A pedagogical approach in teaching improvisation. International Journal of Music Education,35 (2), 289-301.https://hdl.handle.net/1808/26590The purpose of this study was to uncover the approach that a professor in Lithuania utilized in successfully teaching undergraduate music education majors how to improvise during a one-semester course. The research questions focused on the participant’s philosophy of teaching and learning, his methods for motivating students, the learning experiences he provided, and pedagogy that provided sequence of instruction and learning activities for the students. The research design consisted of a qualitative case study approach in which I interviewed the participant formally (three lengthy interviews), informally (seven casual conversations), and made six 90-minute observations of his improvisation classes. Inductive data analysis was employed to identify emergent themes. Those themes included (a) the freedom to create, (b) the act of convincing the students to engage, (c) the establishment of expectations, (d) the pedagogy and sequence of instruction that precipitated skill acquisition, and (e) the classroom environment that enhanced improvisational outcomes. The implications for teacher education are discussed.ImprovisationLearning sequencePedagogyUndergraduate music educationLessons from Lithuania: A pedagogical approach in teaching improvisationArticle10.1177/0255761416667462openAccess