Cossutta, Rada2006-01-112006-01-111997-01-01Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 1 For her doctoral dissertation entitled Agricultural and Viticultural Terminology in the Dialects of Slovene Istria, theauthor (in 1988 -- 90 under the mentorship of Prof. Tine Logar) conducted a field investigation of ten localities, equally distributed over the entire region of Slovene Istria (1. Malija; 2.Padna; 3. Krkavče; 4. Gažon; 5. Šmarje; 6. Koštabona; 7. Pomjan; 8.Boršt; 9. Marezige; 10. Trebeše). The copious material is divided into seven chapters covering various aspects of agriculture (I.Tools, crops, work in the fields and in the barn; II. Garden and orchard; III. Viticulture; IV. Certain plans and trees and operations connected with them; V. Animal husbandry; VI. Beekeeping; VII. Oil production), which are then treated etymologically. The paper is a short summary of the first chapter of the dissertation, in which the author treats Romance borrowings in the terminology for agricultural tools and attempts to discover from which form of Romance -- whether from neighboring Romance dialects or standard Italian -- a given term was borrowed. The analysis of Romance borrowings reveals several layers: an Istrian Italian and Trieste Italian layer, which is most frequently attested and which is placed in the framework of a wider Venetian areal; a Friulian layer, which extends from the medieval to the modern period; an Italian layer, which includes terms that aretaken directly from standard Italian. Occasionally one finds also Dalmatian Croatian borrowings. However, there is no trace of a Latin layer, which the author has observed in the terminology of other branches of agriculture. Thus the study attempts to reveal of the paths of Istrian Romanization and to delineate the linguistic geography of this Slovene territory. SLOVENE: Za svojo doktorsko disertacijo z naslovom Poljedelska in vinogradniška terminologija v govorih Slovenske Istre je avtorica vletih 1988 -- 90 pod mentorstvom prof. Logarja izvedla terensko raziskavov 10 raziskovalnih točkah, enakomerno pokrivajočih ozemlje vse Slovenske Istre (1. Malija; 2. Padna; 3. Krkavče; 4. Gažon; 5. Šmarje;6. Koštabona; 7. Pomjan; 8. Boršt; 9. Marezige; 10. Trebeše). Z vidika izrazja različnih kmetijskih panog je obsežno gradivo razdelila na 7 poglavij (I. Kmečko orodje, pridelki, delo na polju in v hlevu; II. Navrtu in v sadovnjaku; III. Vinogradništvo; IV. Nekatere rastline in drevesa in opravila z njimi; V. Reja živali; VI. Čebelarstvo; VII.Oljarstvo) in ga nato etimološko utemeljila. Prispevek je kratek povzetek prvega poglavja, v katerem avtorica obravnava romanizme v izrazju za kmečko orodje in skuša ugotoviti, iz katerega od sosednjih romanskih narečij oz. knjižnega italijanskega jezika so bili prevzeti. Pri razčlembi romanskih izposojenk ugotavlja več plasti: istrskoitalijansko in tržaško italijansko plast, ki sta najbolje zastopani in ju avtorica uokvirja v širši beneški areal; furlansko plast, ki sega od srednjeveške do novoveške; italijansko plast, v katero uvršča izraze, ki so neposredno prevzeti iz knjižne italijanščine. Sporadičen je primer dalmatinsko hrvaške izposojenke, medtem ko je popolnoma odsotna latinska plast, ki jo je avtorica zasledila v izrazju drugih kmetijskih panog. Razprava skuša tako začrtati tokove istrske romanizacije, ki so v različnih obdobjih vplivali na narečno diferenciacijo tega dela slovenskega ozemlja.application/pdfotherSlovene languageFriulian languageIstriaLanguage contactlexiconborrowingsviticultural terminologyAgricultural terminologyDialectologySouth Slavic languagesRomanske izposojenke v poljedelski terminologiji Slovenske IstreRomance Borrowing in the Agricultural Terminology of Slovene IstriaArticle10.17161/SLS.1808.820openAccess