Greenberg, Marc L.Emmett, Ada2011-05-112011-05-112011Marc L. Greenberg and Ada Emmett. 2011. Problema comunicării ştiinţifice: de ce este necesar accesul liber (Open Access)? O perspectivă transatlantică. Vatra. Serie nouă 478/1: 82–85.1220-6334 article was written to raise awareness among researchers in the Open Access movement and share KU’s experience as a leader in Open Access policy. First published in September 2010 in the national daily paper Delo (Ljubljana, Slovenia) [], the piece has appeared in translation in newspapers in Croatia, Serbia, and Ukraine, among others. The article here is in Romanian, translated from English by Sorin Paliga.rumOpen AccessOpen access policiesProblema comunicării ştiinţifice: de ce este necesar accesul liber (Open Access)? O perspectivă transatlanticăThe Scholarly Communication Problem: Why Open Access is Necessary A Transatlantic PerspectiveArticle