Ellis, Erin L.Stratton, John M.2010-11-092010-11-092010-10-15https://hdl.handle.net/1808/6862An Instructor Development Programming Task Force was appointed at the University of Kansas (KU) Libraries in the summer of 2010. The group was charged with investigating existing models of professional development programs for instruction librarians at other university libraries, as well as recommending a model for implementation at KU. A recommended model needed to provide opportunities for discussion of new trends, theories, and methods in instruction, as well as information literacy standards and concepts. The Task Force designed and administered a survey for all library faculty and staff who teach in order to gather feedback that could be used to design useful and focused professional development opportunities. Survey results will be shared during the presentation. In addition, Task Force members reviewed other professional development programming models in vogue at research universities across the country to learn about other aspects of program development that could be considered within the KU context. Discussion within the Task Force also focused on the structure of the model itself. While such discussions were informed by survey results and consideration of other models, Task Force members are aware of the greater emphasis placed on the assessment of instruction in current higher education environments. This presentation will provide reflections about and practical ideas for a professional development model specifically focused on the needs of instruction librarians based on the results of our survey and current trends. This model will enhance training and development opportunities and will incorporate current or planned assessment strategies. The presentation will be made by members of the Task Force who have developed a potential model for KU. We will share information about the work accomplished to date and invite discussion from participants who have ideas or experience in developing such an instructional development program at their respective institutions.en-USLibrary instructionInstructor developmentInstructor Development: A Model for Growth and SuccessPresentationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0869-5359openAccess