Bobkowski, Peter S.2017-01-032017-01-032015-02-20Bobkowski, P. S. (2015). Sharing the news: Effects of informational utility and opinion leadership on online news sharing. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(2), 320-345. doi:10.1177/1077699015573194 study examined the joint effect of message and personality attributes on online news sharing. In two experiments (N = 270; N = 275) readers indicated their likelihood to share news representing two content domains and three informational utility dimensions. A moderated mediation path analysis was used. On average, news consumers shared news containing informational utility. Opinion leaders shared news irrespective of informational utility because they discerned informational utility in news that, objectively speaking, lacked such utility. In one experiment, opinion leaders also were more likely than non-leaders to share news perceived to contain informational utility.Electronic word-of-mouthInformational utilityNews sharingOnline newsOpinion leadershipParticipatory journalismSocial mediaSharing the News: Effects of Informational Utility and Opinion Leadership on Online News SharingArticle10.1177/1077699015573194openAccess