Middleton, Luke2022-07-202022-07-202004-05Luke Middleton. Economic Trends Report: Jewell County. Kansas Center for Community Economic Development, Policy Research Institute, University of Kansas. Technical Report Series: 76 (May 2004; 43 pages).https://hdl.handle.net/1808/32861Kansas Center for Community Economic DevelopmentThe following report updates a previous trend analysis performed for Jewell County in 2001. Historical data is, of course, unchanged, but where newer data from the last three years has become available it was included. The report examines several key economic trends occurring in Jewell County over the last few decades. We look at variables categorized under the following areas: population, employment, earnings and income, retail trade, and education. Throughout the report, Jewell County’s performance is compared with the performance of the state of Kansas and these selected comparative counties: Cloud, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, Republic, Smith, and Washington. It is by no means an exhaustive analysis of economic trends facing the county but rather an overview of some key economic and demographic variables.Copyright 2004, Institute for Policy & Social ResearchEconomic developmentEconomic trendsEconomic Trends Report: Jewell CountyTechnical ReportopenAccess