Lengar Verovnik, Tina2015-08-102015-08-102015Tina Lengar Verovnik. Strategije in sredstva leksikalnega kritja v radijskih intervjujih. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 10 (2015): 183–203.https://hdl.handle.net/1808/18318This contribution examines hedging strategies and devices employed by journalists in selected interviews from two Slovene public radio programmes. Genre and discourse frameworks are taken into account, as they determine journalists’ linguistic choices in general. The results are then compared to those from two Slovene language corpora, namely Gigafida (corpus of written texts) and GOS (corpus of oral communication), in order to determine how typical of radio interviews the hedging devices in question are. In the first section of the paper a brief account of the evolution of hedging as a concept and an overview of the past and recent research in the field are given as well as the arguments for the Slovene translation of the terms hedging and (to) hedge.otherSlovenehedginginterviewscorporaStrategije in sredstva leksikalnega kritja v radijskih intervjujihArticle10.17161/SLS.1808.18318openAccess