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The influence of instruction on adult lifetime sport participation

Bufton-Rosen, Sara
The purpose of this study was to determine if adult male and female participation in selected lifetime sports (bowling, golf, and tennis) was related to school age instructional experiences the adults had in school physical education, community recreation programs, or private instruction prior to or after the Lifetime Sports Foundation Program. It was also the purpose of the study to determine to what extent these experiences influenced these adults'' current participation in these sports. The results of this investigation were based on data collected from 202 adults found participating in bowling, golf, and tennis in the Kansas City area. These subjects completed the Lifetime Sports Information Questionnaire, a three part survey, designed by the investigator. The method of analysis used was a descriptive study of the adults who had participated or received instruction during their school age years, reported in percentages; and t-test comparisons for the differences between group means to analyze the influence school age instruction or participation had on these adults' current participation. The following conclusions which resulted from the interpretation of the data were two-fold. After the Lifetime Sports Foundation Program was inaugurated, a greater percentage of both males and females received instruction or participated in bowling, golf, and tennis in school physical education, community recreation programs, or private instruction during their school age years, with the exception of females in golf. Regardless of their exposure to Lifetime Sports Foundation Programs, both males and females, age 40 and under and over 40, who had received instruction or participated in school physical education, community recreation or private instruction, felt the school age experience encouraged their current participation.
M.S. Ed. University of Kansas, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1984
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