Now showing items 1-60 of 61

    "Semelfactive" -nǫ- and the Western Aspect Gestalt (1)
    [Review of] Gvozdanović, Jadranka. Celtic and Slavic and the Great Migrations: Reconstructing Linguistic History. Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 1. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009 (1)
    [Review of] Marc Stegherr. Das Russinische. Kulturhistorische und soziolinguistische Aspekte (= Slavistische Beiträge, Bd 417) (1)
    [Review of] Staliūnas, Darius. Making Russians: Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus after 1863. On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics, 11. (1)
    A Balkanism in Central Europe? Realis vs. Irrealis in Subordinate Clauses in Prekmurje Slovene (1)
    A Circum-Pannonian Word-Prosodic Parallel: Paroxytonic Accent in the South-West Bohemian Dialect (1)
    A Short Reference Grammar of Standard Slovene (1)
    Antemurale innovationis: Clausal complementation in the Slovene Mura River (Prekmurje) dialect and its Balkan parallels (1)
    Archaisms and Innovations in the Dialect of Središče (Southeastern Prlekija, Slovenia (1)
    Balkanizem v srednji Evropi? Realni in nerealni naklon v odvisnikih v prekmurščini (1)
    Bivša Jugoslavija kao raskršće jezičkih zajednica i neke paralele na njenoj periferiji (1)
    Case choice in Russian genitive/nominative absence constructions (1)
    Circumflex Advancement in Prekmurje and Beyond (1)
    Common Slavic: Progress or Crisis in its Reconstruction? Notes on Recent Archaeological Challenges to Historical Linguistics (1)
    Delimitative Verbs in Russian, Czech and Slavic (1)
    Dialect Leveling in Haloze, Slovenia (1)
    Dialect Variation Along the Mura (1)
    Distributive Verbs in Serbian and Croatian (1)
    Doing Slavic linguistics in the US today (1)
    Expressing Ingressivity in Slavic: The Contextually-Conditioned Imperfective Past vs. the Phase Verb stat' and Procedural za- (1)
    Family tree and or map-like approaches to Slavic languages? (1)
    Figures to article: Greenberg, Marc L. “Slavs as Migrants. Mapping Prehistoric Language Variation.” Definitely Perfect. Festschrift for Janneke Kalsbeek. Genis, René, Eric de Haard, Radovan Lučić (eds.) (= Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies 29): 169 -183. Amsterdam: Pegasus. (1)
    Foreword (1)
    George L. Trager’s Field Notes on the Prekmurje Dialect Spoken in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA (1)
    Glasoslovni opis treh prekmurskih govorov in komentar k zgodovinskemu glasoslovju in oblikoglasju prekmurskega narečja (1)
    Glasovna podoba slovenskega jezika skozi čas (1)
    Indo-European 5: Slavic (1)
    Intervju. Dijalekti čuvaju vrijedne informacije o prošlosti (1)
    Introduction (1)
    Introduction (The Sociologinguistics of Slovene. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, vol. 124) (1)
    Is Slavic četa an Indo-European Archaism? (1)
    Notes on a New Dialectology of Montenegrin (1)
    Nova opisna slovnica ziljščine (1)
    O jeziku slovanskih prebivalcev med Donavo in Jadranom v srednjem veku (pogled jezikoslovcev) (1)
    Okrúhle výročie kansaského slavistu, profesora Marc L. Greenberga (1)
    On the possible Uralic source for the gen. sg. a-stem desinence in Slavic (1)
    On the Vocalization of Jers in Slovak (1)
    Orphan Prefixes and the Grammaticalization of Aspect in South Slavic (1)
    Ozka grla sistema odprtega dostopa: glasovi iz sveta (1)
    Pavlov Vend nyelvtan in prekmurščina kot slovanski jezik (1)
    Phonetic evidence for the development of the “acute” tone in Slavic (1)
    PIE inheritance and word-formational innovation in Slavic motion verbs in i (1)
    Poskus razlage razvoja stalnih naglasnih sistemov v slovanskih jezikih (1)
    Pragmatic Functions of Reported Speech with jako in the Old Russian Primary Chronicle (1)
    Pre-publication review of Rječnik govora Murskog Središća, by Đuro Blažeka and Grozdana Rob (1)
    Prekmurščina med slovanskimi jeziki (1)
    Prozodične možnosti v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku in slovenskih narečjih (1)
    Review of Greenberg, Marc L., A Historical Phonology of the Slovene Language (1)
    Review: The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders by Tomasz Kamusella, Motoki Nomachi, and Catherine Gibson (1)
    See, Now They Vanish: Third-Person Perfect Auxiliaries in Old and Middle Czech (1)
    Serbo-Croatian and South Slavic Languages (1)
    Sifting the Evidence for the Reconstruction of Pannonian Slavic (1)
    Slavic *jazditi ‘to ride’ and its implications for the development of the category of (in)determinacy (1)
    Slavic Dialectology: A Survey of Research since 1989 (1)
    Slovarček središkega govora (na osnovi zapisov Karla Ozvalda) (1)
    Slovene Linguistics from Across the Pond. A Transatlantic View (1)
    Supplemental Bibliography to "Slavic Dialectology: A Survey of Research since 1989" (1)
    The Role of Language in the Creation of Identity: Myths in Linguistics among the Peoples of the Former Yugoslavia (1)
    The Slovene Sound System Through Time (1)
    The Varying Role of po- in the Grammaticalization of Slavic Aspectual Systems: Sequences of Events, Delimitatives, and German Language Contact (1)