Now showing items 21-40 of 970

    • KS43 Russell County, Kansas 

      Johnson, D. Chris (1995)
      Wenker sentences, conversations and anecotes/jokes recorded in 1995 for the Volga German (West Middle German) dialect of Milberger, KS. Male speaker, born in 1933.
    • KS42 Harvey County, KS 

      Johnson, D. Chris; Lunte, Gabi (2001)
      KU Questionnaire responses recorded in 2001 for the Mennonite Plautdietsch (East Low German) dialect of Hesston, KS. Female speaker, born in 1915.
    • KS41 Russell County, Kansas 

      Khramova, Maria (2007)
      Wenker sentences and a conversation about some of the Russian borrowings in the dialect recorded in 2007 for the Volga German (West Middle German) dialect of Milberger, KS. Female speaker, born in 1924.
    • MO17 St. Charles County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D.; Lunte, Gabi; Johnson, D. Chris (2000)
      KU Questionnaire responses and two words of interest recorded in 2000 for the Westphalian (West Low German) dialect of Cappeln, MO. Male speaker born in 1919.
    • MO14 St. Charles County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D.; Lunte, Gabi; Johnson, D. Chris (2000)
      KU Questionnaire responses and a word of interest recorded in 2000 for the Westphalian (West Low German) dialect of Augusta, MO. Male speaker born in 1925.
    • MO13 St. Charles County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D.; Lunte, Gabi; Johnson, D. Chris (2000)
      KU Questionnaire responses recorded in 2000 for the Westphalian (West Low German) dialect of Femme Osage, MO. Male speaker born in 1932.
    • MO11 Lafayette County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D. (1993)
      Wenker sentences, a short conversation, and a few words of interest recorded in 1993 for the Eastphalian (West Low German) dialect of Emma, MO. Female speaker born in 1926.
    • MO06 Benton County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D.; Lunte, Gabi; Johnson, D. Chris (2000)
      KU Questionnaire responses and an additional word of interest recorded in 2000 for the North Low Saxon (West Low German) Plattdüütsch dialect of Cole Camp, Missouri. Male speaker born in 1920.
    • KS40 Graham County, Kansas 

      Johnson, D. Chris; Lunte, Gabi (1999)
      KU Questionnaire responses recorded in 1999 for the Volga German (West Middle German) dialect of Morland, KS. Male speaker, born in 1940.
    • KS39 Montgomery County, Kansas 

      Johnson, D. Chris; Lunte, Gabi (1999)
      KU Questionnaire responses, a short conversation, and some songs recorded in 1999 for the Amana German (West Middle German) dialect in Montgomery County, Kansas near Coffeyville. Female speaker, born in 1917.
    • MO12 Morgan County, Missouri 

      Keel, William D.; Lunte, Gabi; Johnson, D. Chris (2000)
      KU Questionnaire responses recorded in 2000 for the West Low German dialect of Stover, MO. Female speaker born in 1912.
    • KS38 Anderson County, Kansas 

      Meindl, Jörg (2006)
      Wenker Sentences, KU Questionnaire responses and a short narrative recorded in 2006 for the Pennsylvania German (West Middle German) dialect of Anderson County, Kansas near Garnett. Male speaker born in 1970.
    • Slovenščina na prvi pogled – poletna šola na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru 

      Ulčnik, Natalija; Nikolovski, Gjoko (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-26)
      From August 29 to September 10, 2022, the first summer school Slovenian at first Glance was held at the Department of Slavic Languages ​​and Literatures of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, intended for ...
    • Vida JESENŠEK, 2021: Beiträge zur deutschen und slowenischen Phraseologie und Parömiologie 

      Fabčič, Melanija Larisa (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-26)
      In 2021, a monograph by Vida Jesenšek entitled Beiträge zur deutschen und slowenischen Phraseologie und Parömiologie (Contributions to German and Slovenian phraseology and paremiology) was published by the University of ...
    • In Memoriam: Kajetan Gantar (1930–2022) 

      Stanonik, Marija (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-26)
      The author describes the work of the deceased Slovenian literary historian, classical philologist, translator and editor Kajetan Gantar and highlights his importance.
    • Criteria for evaluating a novel 

      Švajncer, Marija (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-26)
      Predmet članka so merila za vrednotenje romana. Predstavljena sta terminologija in problem opredelitve ter navedena spoznanja tako klasičnih slovenskih literarnih zgodovinarjev kot tudi novejši pogledi na branje in vrednotenje ...
    • Autobiography and Cankar’s novel New life 

      Zupan Sosič, Alojzija (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-26)
      Cankarjevo moderno razumevanje avtobiografskosti je v razpravi ponudilo možnost razlage s pomočjo koncepta doživljenosti. V Cankarjevih pripovednih delih, tudi v romanu Novo življenje (1908), se namreč vprašanje objektivnosti ...
    • Metaphorical Concepts of Love and the Female in the Poetry Debuts of the Slovene ‘Moderna’ 

      Čeh Steger, Jožica (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-25)
      Razprava se opira na kognitivno razumevanje metafore in obravnava različne metaforične koncepte ljubezni ter ženske v pesništvu slovenske moderne na primerih knjižnih prvencev: Erotike (1899) Ivana Cankarja, Čaše opojnosti ...
    • Multilingualism – a new old approach to learning and teaching (foreign) languages 

      Jazbec, Saša (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-25)
      Članek prikazuje koncept čezjezičnosti. Gre za t. i. novi stari koncept, saj gre na eni strani za ‘stari’ način komuniciranja, ki ga spontano in nezavedno že od nekdaj uporabljamo govorci različnih jezikov v različnih ...
    • Idioms in Croatian and German newspaper articles about the coronavirus 

      Pavić Pintarić, Anita (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-10-25)
      Pandemija koronavirusa je leta 2020 povzročila številne spremembe v življenjskem slogu in vedenju ljudi. Nanjo so bile vezane tudi teme v časopisnih člankih v obdobju med marcem in junijem 2020 in prav na podlagi teh je ...