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Now showing items 241-260 of 762

    • Shanzhai Culture 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-09-07)
      Broadcast Transcript: A recent blog post about a fake Apple store in Kunming, China has everyone in an uproar. It went viral, and all the major news agencies have jumped on it as if the existence of counterfeit enterprises ...
    • Skilled Veterans Corps 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-08-31)
      Broadcast Transcript: Many stories have been written about the graying of Japan's population accompanied by much kvetching over the cost to the younger gen of maintaining the old. Well, here's a story that should put the ...
    • Kiss Apple 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-08-24)
      Broadcast Transcript: Spicy kimchee and garlicky fish. Standard fare in Korea. Good for the health, sure, but for the breath? Not so much. So in an attempt to promote healthy eating along with kissably fresh breath, Korean ...
    • Glow Dog Glow 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-08-17)
      Broadcast Transcript: South Korean researchers, ever striving to be top in science, have cloned a glow-in-the-dark dog. The little beagle was engineered by inserting genes from species--like jellyfish--that produce fluorescent ...
    • Spelling Counts 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-07-20)
      Broadcast Transcript: From the "sweetheart, get me rewrite" file comes this: A free trade agreement drawn up by South Korea to put into place with the European Union had to be withdrawn and resubmitted three times because ...
    • Cashless SK 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-07-13)
      Broadcast Transcript: Wither cash? And while we're asking, wither wallets? If the South Koreans have their way, the answer will be the way of the dinosaur. South Korea is aiming to become a cashless, walletless society by ...
    • No Good Deed 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-07-06)
      Broadcast Transcript: No good deed goes unpunished but no property deed might. And for young Chinese bachelors the punishment for having no property deed is no dates. The one-child policy coupled with the Chinese preference ...
    • Blue Pork 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-05-29)
      Broadcast Transcript: The Chinese have a centuries-old love affair with pork. It constitutes 70% of the meat in their diet. Mao Zedong even called pork a "national treasure." However, that pork was the "the other white ...
    • Anime News 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-06-15)
      Broadcast Transcript: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So, if there is no picture for a news story, just make something up! This is the premise a Hong Kong-based computer animation company has based its success ...
    • Talmud in Korea 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-06-01)
      Broadcast Transcript: The Talmud is the Jewish sacred text containing commentary by legendary rabbis pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, customs, philosophy etc. It has been the go-to text for more than 5,000 years for Jews ...
    • Exploding Watermelons 

      Hacker, Randi; Peterson, Deborah (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-05-25)
      Broadcast Transcript: Explosions are nothing new here in China. The Chinese did, after all, invent gunpowder. But exploding watermelons? I kid you not. Recently, watermelons in Jiangsu province just began exploding. The ...
    • NK Art Show 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-04-27)
      Broadcast Transcript: As the leisure-suited hereditary leader of communist North Korea, Kim Jong-Il maintains strict control over the art produced in the country. Acceptable subjects include landscapes, mountains and flowers ...
    • Kim Jong Un Wife 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-04-20)
      Broadcast Transcript: There are many pressing questions about North Korea. Will they launch another nuclear attack? Will they be able to feed their people? Will there be a reunion of the two Koreas? Who will marry Kim Jong ...
    • Filial Lawsuit 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-04-13)
      Broadcast Transcript: "See you next week," Mom says, "Or I'll see you in court." Most mothers of adult children use guilt to encourage more frequent visits, but here in China they may be able to add the threat of a lawsuit ...
    • Excited Insects 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-04-06)
      Broadcast Transcript: In America, we don't celebrate bugs nearly enough. I mean, when was the last time you were happy, really happy to see a bug, spiders included? Be honest. I thought so. We might not necessarily kill ...
    • Bottoms Up 

      Hacker, Randi; Boyd, David (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-03-30)
      Broadcast Transcript: "Bottoms up!" Or, "gan bei," as they say here in China. But what are you drinking? It could either be the authentic 144-proof sorghum-based liquor Moutai, or a clever counterfeit. Moutai has been ...
    • Tsunami 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-03-23)
      Broadcast Transcript: Usually our postcards talk about the lighter side of culture and events in China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia. Today's will be a departure from that. In light of recent events in Japan, we would do well ...
    • Cosmo Mongolia 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-03-02)
      Broadcast Transcript: Nothing says loss of traditional cultural values more completely than the appearance of your own nation-specific edition of Cosmopolitan magazine. Sixty countries around the world already boast their ...
    • Dogs Are Not for Dinner 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-02-23)
      Broadcast Transcript: Dogs. They're not just for dinner anymore. Over the years, many a Chinese diner has cooked and served dog and there's a story about an emperor from ancient times whose favorite meat was dog meat. And ...
    • Hairy Crabs 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2011-02-16)
      Broadcast Transcript: So in Japan, the vending machines act alive: they talk to you and make recommendations. Here in China, the vending machines are not alive but their contents are. At a subway station in Nanjing, people ...