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Ana Wambrechtsamer – writer and connector of two languages ​​and cultures

Čeh Steger, Jožica
Prispevek se ukvarja z dvojezično slovensko-avstrijsko pisateljico Ano Wambrechtsamer (1897‒1933) in jo umesti v medkulturni model slovenske literarne zgodovine. Ana Wambrechtsamer je odraščala v dvojezičnem južnoštajerskem okolju. Pisala je pesmi in romantično obarvano domačijsko ter zgodovinsko pripovedništvo v nemščini. Po izselitvi v Avstrijo se je poglabljala v zgodovino Celjskih grofov in vse bolj iskala slovenske korenine. Začela se je intenzivno učiti slovenščine, da bi lahko v tem jeziku tudi literarno ustvarjala. Prebirala je slovenske klasike, začela prevajati svoja dela v slovenščino in slovensko književnost v nemščino. The contribution discusses the Slovene-German bilingual writer Ana Wambrechtsamer (1897‒1933) and places her within the intercultural model of Slovene literary history. Ana Wambrechtsamer grew up in the bilingual South-Styrian milieu and wrote poems and romance coloured native and historical narratives in German. After moving to Austria, she thoroughly studied the history of the Counts of Cilli and increasingly sought her Slovenian roots. She intensively learnt Slovenian in order to be able to create literature in this language. She also read Slovenian classics, and started translating her works into Slovenian and Slovenian literature into German.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
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Medkulturna književnost, Slovensko-nemška književnost na Štajerskem, Ana Wambrechtsamer, Domačijska književnost, Zgodovinska povest, Guzej, Intercultural literature, Slovene-German literature in Styria, Ana Wambrechtsamer, Native/local literature, Historical story, Guzej
Czech Steger J. (2020). Ana Wambrechtsamer – writer and connector of two languages ​​and cultures. Slavia Centralis , 13 (2), 149–161. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/970
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