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Image of Research 2016 -- Open for Collaboration Award

Young, Jackson
Author's statement: A picture of another undergraduate I spent the summer with. Alejandro Carlo was an 18 year old aspiring particle physicist from the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez and was one of the many students and researchers I met from around the world that summer. I attended an NSF-funded international research program where I and a handful of other undergraduate and graduate students from around the world worked in various locations within Switzerland's national laboratory system to help the team responsible for ‘photographing’ the collisions and consequential physics it creates. At KU I have spent the last 4+ years working with the CMS tracker detector team that takes 400 million pictures per second of the particles created in experimental recreations of the origins of our universe, the big-bang.
This image was submitted by Jackson Young, senior in Mathematics/Physics, as part of the Image of Research competition sponsored by the University of Kansas Libraries. It was selected as the Open for Collaboration Award winner for 2016.
Image of Research is a competition that celebrates the role undergraduate students play in research and innovation at KU. A multidisciplinary panel of judges selected winners based on the textual connection between the submitted image and the research, the originality and creativity of the submitted image, and the collaborative, open, and dynamic nature of the research. This award recognizes research that is collaborative in nature or that is publicly shared in the spirit of Open Access.
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