Findings of Slovene linguists on the grammatical form of the future tense in the Slovene language
Orožen, Martina
Orožen, Martina
Razprava predstavlja poglede slovenskih jezikoslovcev (Valentin Vodnik, Jernej Kopitar, Fran Metelko, Ivan Navratil, Franc Miklošič, Janez Šolar, Anton Janežič, Stanislav Škrabec, Viktor Bežek) na rabo prihodnjika v slovenskem jeziku 18. in 19. stoletja. Vprašanja futuralno-modalnih izraznih možnosti v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku niso celostno obravnavali, zato je potrebno pojasniti razvoj opozicij futuralno-modalnih oblik v zgodovinskem razvoju knjižne slovenščine in jih obravnavati hierarhično kot (1) futuralno gramatično obliko, (2) dovršni sedanjik in (3) modalne in druge nedoločniške zveze.
The discussion presents the views of Slovene linguists (Valentin Vodnik, Jernej Kopitar, Fran Metelko, Ivan Navratil, Franc Miklošič, Janez Šolar, Anton Janežič, Stanislav Škrabec, Viktor Bežek) on the use of the future tense in the Slovene language of the 18th and 19th centuries. All questions regarding futural and modal possibilities of expression in the Slovene literary language have not been comprehensively addressed, so it is necessary to explain the development of oppositions to futural and modal forms in the historical development of literary Slovene language and treat them hierarchically as (1) a futural grammatical form, (2) a perfect present tense, and (3) modal and other indefinite conjunctions.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
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Slovenski jezikoslovci, Razvoj slovenskega jezika, Glagol, Glagolski vid, Dovršni sedanjik, Futur, Slovene linguists, Development of the Slovene language, Verb, Verb aspect, Perfect present tense, Future tense
Orožen M. (2021). Findings of Slovene linguists on the grammatical form of the future tense in the Slovene language. Slavia Centralis, 14(2), 123–146. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1343