Cost Analysis Procedures for Use in Promoting Fine Filtration Media
Renfert, David A.
Renfert, David A.
The field project is a cost analysis procedures manual to be used within {company name} to quantify the cost of operations and materials for current and recommended dust collection practices. The estimated benefits from changing filtration medias can be used to determine a recovery period for the additional funds (cost differential) required for the upgrade in technology. In addition, the procedures manual provides direction for comparing alternative media options based on a life cycle analysis (net present value and equivalent uniform monthly cost).
Cost estimation sheets have been included for quick reference when the production managers are providing general information to the customer. A sample cost analysis has been included as well.
The procedures manual has been prepared with suitable technical information to allow product managers to provide accurate information to customers. However, as very few product managers have suitable technical background or experience, the use of theory has been kept to a minimum or has been presented in an appropriate manner.
Selections from the New York Blower Company’s Engineering Letters and a technical paper by the author have been included for addition reading at the product manager’s discretion.