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Efficacy of a Composite Biological Age Score to Predict Ten-Year Survival among Kansas and Nebraska Mennonites

Uttley, Meredith
Crawford, Michael H.
In 1980 and 1981 Mennonite descendants of a group of Russian immigrants participated in a multidisciplinary study of biological aging. The Mennonites live in Goessel, Kansas, and Henderson, Nebraska. In 1991 the survival status of the participants was documented by each church secretary. Data are available for 1009 individuals, 177 of whom are now deceased. They ranged from 20 to 95 years in age when the data were collected. Biological ages were computed using a stepwise multiple regression procedure based on 38 variables previously identified as being related to survival, with chronological age as the dependent variable. Standardized residuals place participants in either a predicted-younger or a predictedolder group. The independence of the variables biological age and survival status is tested with the chi-square statistic. The significance of biological age differences between surviving and deceased Mennonites is determined by t test values. The two statistics provide consistent results. Predicted age group classification and survival status are related. The group of deceased participants is generally predicted to be older than the group of surviving participants, although neither statistic is significant for all subgroups of Mennonites. In most cases, however, individuals in the predicted-older groups are at a relatively higher risk of dying compared with those in the predicted-younger groups, although the increased risk is not always significant.
This is the published version. Copyright 1994 Wayne State University Press.
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Wayne State University Press
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Uttley, Meredith, and Michael H. Crawford. "Efficacy of a Composite Biological Age Score to Predict Ten-Year Survival among Kansas and Nebraska Mennonites." Human Biology 66.1 (1994): 121-44. Web.
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