Spodbujanje družinskega branja v otrokovem predšolskem obdobju: Predšolska bralna značka
Haramija, Dragica
Haramija, Dragica
V prispevku1 s e o sredinjamo n a r azvijanje d ružinskega b ranja, k i je e den o d
temeljev Predšolske bralne značke (PBZ). S pomočjo ankete smo zbrali rezultate
o vključenosti otrok v PBZ in opise drugih dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo družinsko
branje. Zanimalo nas je tudi delo mentorjev branja, predvsem načini izbiranja
priporočenih gradiv za branje v krogu družine in metode preverjanja prebranega.
V sklepnem delu so podane smernice za pripravo kakovostnih bralnih seznamov,
ki so lahko v pomoč staršem in otrokom pri izboru bralnih gradiv. Spodbujanje
družinskega branja je tudi eden od ciljev predloga Nacionalne strategije za razvoj
bralne pismenosti (2017), ki skrbno presoja tudi specifične cilje in ravni pismenosti
od otrok v predšolskem obdobju do odraslih.
The paper focuses on the development of family literacy (family reading), which
is one of the foundations of the Pre-school Reading Badge (Predšolska bralna
značka, PBZ). With the help of the survey, we obtained relevant information on
the involvement of children in PBZ and descriptions of certain other activities that
promote family reading. We were also interested in the work of reading mentors,
especially in the ways of choosing the recommended materials for reading in the
family and in the methods of verifying the material read. The concluding part of
the paper provides guidelines for the preparation of quality reading lists with the
goal of helping parents and children to select proper reading materials. Promoting
family reading is one of the objectives of the National Strategy for the Development
of Reading Literacy (2017), which carefully assesses the specific goals and
levels of literacy from children in pre-school age to adults.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
family reading, reading literacy, Pre-school Reading Badge, children’s literature, družinsko branje, bralna pismenost,, Predšolska bralna značka, otroška literatura