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Gailtal Slovene in Urban Jarnik’s Letters to Primic and Kopitar, 1811–1814

Pronk, Tijmen
Prispevek predstavlja narečne podatke iz Ziljske doline na Koroškem, ki jih navaja Urban Jarnik v pismih Primicu in Kopitarju. Jarnikovo obravnavo narečnih podatkov imamo lahko za začetek slovenskega narečjeslovja. Prvi del prispevka je posvečen filološki in fonološki analizi Jarnikovih podatkov, v drugem delu pa je slovarček vseh ziljskih besed, izpričanih v Jarnikovih pismih. Gradivo prinaša veliko narečnih besed, ki jih v poznejši literaturi ni zaslediti. The paper presents the dialectal data from the Gailtal in Carinthia that Urban Jarnik discusses in his letters to Primic and Kopitar. Jarnik’s discussions of his native dialect in these letters could be regarded as the first serious treatment of Slovene dialectal material. The first part of the paper is devoted to a philological and phonological analysis of Jarnik’s data. The second half gives a glossary of all the Gailtal Slovene words in Jarnik’s letters. Many dialectal words that Jarnik gives are not attested in later literature.
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nštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, ZRC SAZU; Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
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Dialectology, Slovene language, German-Slavic, Language contact
Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 6 (2007): 111–132 http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/SLS.1808.4414
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