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Slovene as a Foreign Language: The Pilot Learner Corpus Perspective

Stritar, Mojca
SLV: Korpus usvajanja tujega jezika je elektronska zbirka besedil nedomačih govorcev, ki usvajajo določen jezik. V prispevku je predstavljen pilotski korpus slovenščine kot tujega jezika PiKUST. Pri njegovem oblikovanju sta se kot osrednja izziva pokazala razvoj smiselnega nabora kriterijev za zbiranje in izbiranje materiala učečih se ter razvoj klasifikacije, ki olajša označevanje napak. Opisana sta klasifikacija napak in postopek označevanja, nazadnje pa je predstavljen primer praktične aplikacije korpusnih rezultatov. ENG: A learner corpus is an electronic collection of texts produced by non-native speakers learning a certain language. The article presents the pilot Slovene learner corpus PiKUST. Its design has faced two major challenges: the development of a reasonable set of criteria for collection and selection of learner material, and the development of an error annotation scheme. The error taxonomy and tagging procedure are described and, finally, the application of corpus results to teaching material is demonstrated.
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Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti / Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
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foreign language acquisition, corpus linguistics
Stritar, Mojca. 2009. Slovene as a Foreign Language: The Pilot Learner Corpus Perspective. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 135–152.
Stritar, Mojca. 2009. Slovene as a Foreign Language: The Pilot Learner Corpus Perspective. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 135–152. http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/SLS.1808.5274
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