Sherman County Citizen Survey: Survey Analysis
Ott, Genna M.
Ott, Genna M.
The Kansas Center for Community Economic Development, in conjunction with the Goodland Economic Development Corporation, conducted a community attitude survey of the citizens of Sherman county. The purpose of the survey was to provide supplemental data for the strategic planning process underway in Sherman county.
Participation in the survey was not random; rather participation was open to those who wanted to respond. The surveys were distributed in the local newspapers, the Goodland Daily News and the Country Advocate, to enhance accessibility and promote participation throughout the county. Approximately 141 citizens of Sherman County chose to participate by returning a completed survey to the Goodland Economic Development Corporation. Proportionally, more citizens over the age of 45 and more citizens with college degrees or graduate level work chose to participate in the survey. Consequently, the results of the survey can not be interpreted as representative of the entire Sherman County population.
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Institute for Public Policy and Business Research, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Genna M. Ott. Sherman County Citizen Survey: Survey Analysis. Institute for Public Policy and Business Research, University of Kansas. Technical Report Series: 15 (October 1992; 69 pages).