Do They Know Their ABCs? Letter-Name Knowledge of Urban Preschoolers
Edwards, Liesl
Edwards, Liesl
This study analyzed the performance and growth in letter knowledge and letter identification skills of children across an academic year. Repeated measures analyses of variance were conducted on letter name knowledge measures administered at three time points for all participating children (N=177) and seven time points for children (n = 106) identified as below benchmark based on their initial performance on the Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL; Lonigan, Wagner, & Torgesen, 2007). The analyses were used to examine differences among children's performance based on a number of variables including initial classification as at- or below-benchmark, home language status, time, and quality of instruction in the child's classroom. Additionally, latent growth models were developed to evaluate relationships among the variables relative to the trajectory of growth of letter knowledge skills for children (n = 114) identified as below benchmark. The findings indicated positive growth for participating children, in terms of the numbers of uppercase letters they were able to identify, and some observable differences between identified groups of children. However, the differences and changes observed did not always meet levels of statistical significance. Across all analyses, age explained a significant portion of the variance in the number of letters children were able to correctly identify. Results suggest that early instruction and intervention can be effective in improving the alphabet knowledge skills of at-risk preschoolers; however, further research is needed to better identify and understand the factors that impact growth including individual, home, and educational variables.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Early childhood education, Reading instruction, Alphabet knowledge, Early literacy