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The Art of Systematic Teaching and Professional Development in Contemporary Piano Learning: An Analysis of the U.S. Music Certification Exams and Their Pedagogical Purposes

Fu, Teng
The importance of systematic teaching and music pedagogy is beginning to receive recognition around the globe. Piano lessons based on informed, research-based instruction have the potential to provide a common ground between academia and the broader non-professional piano teaching market. With an adequate exam system and training program, the likelihood is strong that a more motivational, engaging and productive learning environment for both amateur and professional musicians is possible; the educational value of the U.S. Music Certification Exams and its instructional books is foreseeable. For any professional or amateur musicians, the key for building self-efficacy and confidence lies in a persistent belief of one’s ability to accomplish a variety types of tasks, range from completing daily practice of scales and other technic, to handling stage fright when performing in public. By systematically studying the materials in the 11 levels of U.S. Music Certification Exams, a student will acquire adequate skills in the initial stages of his or her musical development by mastering sufficient technical, musicianship and artistic pieces, drills and exercises. The USMCE examination system also provides a first look at methodically organized western-style piano teaching. This provides opportunities to change and improve general piano instruction in countries such as China where the philosophy of western music education and piano pedagogy are still relatively undeveloped. Students participating in USMCE exams have the opportunity to discover and develop their musical talents to the highest level.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Music, Music education, Certification, Exam, Learning, Music, Piano, U.S.
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