Parenting intervention effects on reunification: A randomized trial of PMTO in foster care
Akin, Becci A. ; McDonald, Thomas P
Akin, Becci A.
McDonald, Thomas P
Evidence-supported parenting interventions (ESPIs) have expanded into child welfare because a
growing research base has demonstrated positive results among children with serious emotional
and behavioral problems. Despite a clear federal policy emphasis on reunification, few randomized
trials have tested ESPIs with biological families of children in foster care; even fewer
studies have investigated the distal outcomes of ESPIs. The aim of the current study was to
examine the effects of Parent Management Training, Oregon (PMTO) model on reunification.
Children in foster care with emotional and behavioral problems were randomized to in-home
PMTO (n=461) or services as usual (SAU) (n=457). Cox regression models tested whether
children in the PMTO group achieved higher rates of reunification. We applied life tables data for
integrals calculations to estimate days saved in foster care. Analyses were conducted as intent-totreat
(ITT), and per protocol analysis (PPA). ITT results showed reunification rates were 6.9%
higher for the PMTO group (62.7%) than the SAU group (55.8%) with 151 days saved per typical
child. PPA indicated that intervention completion strengthened effects as PMTO completers’
reunification rates (69.5%) were 13.7% higher than the SAU group (55.8%), and were 15.3%
higher than non-completers (54.2%). Days saved were also greater for completers as compared to
the SAU group (299 days) and non-completers (358 days). Overall, findings suggest that an inhome
parenting intervention positively affected reunification as delivered to biological parents of
children and youth in foster care with serious emotional and behavioral problems. Implications
and future considerations for research are discussed.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
parenting intervention, evidence-supported, randomized trial, foster care, reunification
Becci A. Akin, Thomas P. McDonald,
Parenting intervention effects on reunification: A randomized trial of PMTO in foster care,
Child Abuse & Neglect,
Volume 83,
Pages 94-105,
ISSN 0145-2134,