
Central Literary Museum as an Accelerator of Literary Tourism in Slovenia

Sosič, Alojzija Zupan
Razloge za uresničenje davne ideje o osrednjem literarnem muzeju v Sloveniji sem v svoji razpravi osvetlila skozi tri perspektive, nacionalno-afirmativno, vzgojno- -izobraževalno in turistično ter (novo) sedemčlensko tipologijo. Zavzela sem se za osrednji literarni muzej kot sedmi tip, tj. veččlenski preplet različnih muzejev v vlogi pospeševalca literarnega (kulturnega) turizma in za njegovo osnovno nalogo – povezovalnost – v kontekstu štirih tipov literarnega turizma ter različnosti slovenskega in tujega turista. The article delineates the arguments for the realization of the old idea of a central literary museum in Slovenia through three perspectives: national-affirmative, educational and touristic as well as the (new) seven-part typology. I advocate for the central literary museum as the seventh type i.e. a fusion of different types of museums elevating literal (cultural) tourism with its basic role – of a liaison – in the context of the four types of literary tourism and the Slovene and foreign tourist respective dispositions.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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central literary museum, Slovenia, literary tourism, osrednji literarni muzej, Slovenija, literarni turizem
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