Confidently Accessing Research in a Turbulent Time
Shulenburger, David E.
Shulenburger, David E.
This paper examines the insidious, largely ingrown, practices that have turned our most useful tool for sharing the fruits of our research, the scholarly communications system, into a bit of a mess. It reviews the development of the system, considers shocks to the system that have occurred and details seven problems that have developed with scholarly communications. The state of the system is compared with what happened to existing industries (printing, transportation communications and the internet network when they experienced network expansions and suggests that scholarly communications is reacting similarly. The paper concludes with four recommendations for repairing the system.
This paper was presented at the 2019 Annual
Kansas Consortium-Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (Kansas-ICCAE) Conference held at the University of Kansas on April 23, 2019. It was the keynote for the session entitled "Cyber Attacks, Intellectual Property, & University Open Research: The Perfect Storm."