Effects of Training on Early Childhood Special Education Paraeducators' Use of Early Literacy Strategies During Book Reading
Snyder, Cheryl K.
Snyder, Cheryl K.
Research has consistently shown a need for paraeducator training in tasks they are expected to perform under a licensed teacher's supervision. This study employed a single-subject design to examine the effects of teaching paraeducators shared book reading strategies. Participants included early childhood special education paraeducators and preschoolers. The intervention consisted of computer-based instruction on shared book reading and performance feedback by e-mail. Videotaped book reading sessions were coded to yield measures of (a) the paraeducators' strategy use, (b) the affective quality of the paraeducator-child book reading interactions, and (c) the children's engagement. Significant increases were shown in book reading knowledge on post-quiz scores. The paraeducators' strategy use also increased after they completed the HTML lesson. Moreover, the results revealed overall gains in the children's engaged responses. Paraeducators indicated a favorable attitude toward both components of the intervention procedure. Implications include ways to strengthen and support early literacy professional development.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Special education