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Az illír mozgalom magyar kötődései – horvát szemmel I.

Lukács, István
Kálecz-Simon, Orsolya
Prispevek daje zgodovinski pregled hrvaške znanstvene interpretacije madžarskih stikov in duhovno-političnih vzorcev v razvoju hrvaškega ilirskega gibanja. V prvem delu so predstavljena osnovna sodobna teoretična stališča o rekonstrukciji zgodovinskih narativ, v drugem delu pa hrvaški znanstveni dosežki v raziskovanju predilirskega obdobja. Poudarjen je pomen gibanja jakobincev in svobodnih zidarjev v nastajanju ilirizma. V predilirskem obdobju je s svojimi novimi pobudami igral pomembno vlogo zagrebški škof Maksimilijan Vrhovec. Njegovemu delovanju in predstavitvi njegovih madžarskih stikov je posvečeno posebno poglavje. Prav tako je v posebnem poglavju predstavljeno izjemno bogato življenjsko delo vodje gibanja Ljudevita Gaja in njegovi stiki z Madžari. Na oblikovanje slovanske in hrvaške zgodovinske zavesti Ljudevita Gaja je močno vplival takrat najbolj ugleden madžarski zgodovinar István Horvát. Horvátova romantična megalomanska predavanja o poreklu Madžarov so pritegnila Gajevo pozornost v času njegovega šolanja v Pešti. The article gives a historical overview of the Croatian scientific interpretation of Hungarian contacts and spiritual-political patterns in the development of the Croatian Illyrian movement. The first part of the study presents basic modern theoretical views on the reconstruction of historical narratives, while the second part highlights Croatian scientific achievements in the research of the pre-Illyrian period. The importance of the Jacobin movement and the Freemasons in the emergence of the Illyrian movement is emphasised. The bishop of Zagreb, Maksimilijan Vrhovec, played an important role in the pre-Illyrian period with his new initiatives. A special chapter of the article is dedicated to his work and the presentation of his Hungarian contacts. Another special chapter is dedicated to the extremely rich oeuvre of the leader of the movement, Ljudevit Gaj, and his contacts with the Hungarians. The formation of Slavic and Croatian historical consciousness of Ljudevit Gaj was strongly influenced by the most respected Hungarian historian of the era, István Horvát. Horvát’s romantic megalomaniac lectures on the origin of the Hungarians attracted Gaj’s attention during the time he spent studying in Pest.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
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zgodovinske narative, ilirizem, hrvaško-madžarski duhovni stiki, historical narratives, Illyrian movement, Croatian-Hungarian spiritual contacts
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