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Assessment of KU Libraries’ Slavic & Eurasian Collection: Purpose, Process, and Potential

Giullian, Jon C.
Monroe-Gulick, Amalia
This paper discusses collection-related assessment projects that were conducted in 2013-2014 by the University of Kansas (KU) Libraries’ International Collections librarians in cooperation with librarians for assessment and resource sharing. While these assessment projects were undertaken in an effort to strengthen the library reports for KU’s Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) grant applications, which were submitted by KU’s area studies centers, the results also have implications for collection development work. The article begins with background about the NRC grants and explains why and how these assessment projects developed. Highlights of results from each assessment project are presented in the following order: (1) assessment of the research needs of area studies faculty and graduate students at KU; (2) citation patterns (2005-2013) of area studies, and more specifically, Slavic and Eurasian studies faculty at KU; (3) resource sharing data for the Slavic and Eurasian collection 2011-2013. The article concludes with a discussion about how the assessment data inform collection development practices and decisions.
Journal Title
Journal ISSN
Volume Title
Slavic & East European Information Resources (Taylor and Francis)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
International collections, area studies librarians, Slavic and Eurasian studies, assessment, cooperative collection development, e-books, paper books, citation study, foreign language, low-use, inter-library loan
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